New Media 11

  • Welcome!

    Welcome everyone to New Media 11! I’m the designer of this course and your teacher, Anneke Nussbaum. I’m excited to meet each of you and share my passion for the new landscape of reading and writing as we explore the multimodal digital world of literature, games, journalism, and computation. In this first week of the course we will spend time with the Course Overview, getting to know the course navigation, and getting to know each other.

    Your first step is to check out the tabs along the top of the site and read through the content in the Syllabus: Course Overview section: Course Outline, Big Ideas & Curricular Competencies, Expectations, Assessment, and Course Readings. The final sections of the Syllabus include a Student Survey through which I hope to learn more about you, how you feel about read, writing, and digital media, and how I can support your learning throughout the course. You will also notice at the end of the syllabus there is an Informal Feedback form which I invite you to complete at any time throughout the course to share what is going well, what is tricky and what could be done differently. Reflection is an important part of learning and I am ever growing in my own teaching practice – your feedback helps me!

    You can also contact me at any time through our course email ( or join my open google meet room during office hours (TBD).

    Our first Activity is designed to connect us as an online community: 1st Discussion: Introductions which you can find in the first lesson of Module 1 (as well as in the Assessment tab). Please connect with me at anytime with questions, concerns, and comments – I’m hear to support your learning journey.

    Syllabus | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5 | Module 6

    We learn by exploring and by doing because

    knowledge is not simply transmitted from teacher to student, but actively constructed by the mind of the learner. Children don’t get ideas; they make ideas.

    Karia & Resnick (1996) p. 1